
How to launch a Facebook Page in native Facebook app or browser from your android app

In this tutorial we are going to write a function to launch our apps Facebook page from a click event. Before implementing this we need to obtain Facebook page ID which we need to launch. How to get Facebook page ID Its very simple,  First navigate to your Facebook page then look for the number […]


How to add ‘press back button again to quit’ feature to an android application

In this tutorial we are going to implement “Press again to exit” application quit feature. What we actually do here – when user clicks on back button a toast message is generated saying “Press again to exit”, if user press back button again then we call finish method to quit the app We are using ‘onBackPressed’ method to implement […]


How to add Android exit dialog with rating and quit button on Android application

In this tutorial we are going to implement an exit dialog box for our android application. When user clicks back button on applications main activity then exit dialog box is invoked and displayed with a custom message and 2 buttons “Rate us” and “Quit”. Example Screen shot   Here is the code snippet public class […]


How to add onesignal push notification to android app ?

Implementing a push notification service to your android application is a good idea to increase user engagement and thus better app ranking in playstore. There are a many push notification services available for android. Firebase  –  SERVICE BY GOOGLE Urbanship PushWoosh Pushbots Onesignal etc…….. I had experience with pushbots and  onesignal push notification Onesignal push notification service is completely […]


How to delete a file from mediastore’s database or how to notify mediastore that a content is deleted ?

Filename still showing on device even after you delete it ? Like updating mediastore database with filename and path after a new file is added to device, it is also important to remove the file from mediastore database whenever we delete a file from an android device. Otherwise mediastore hold the information about the removed content and […]